Something to think about

Did you know that approximately 155,000 people die daily. Do you know for sure that when you die, you would go to heaven? Do you think that you are generally a pretty good person and "good enough". Take the good person test at to find out.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Quotes from recently read books

So our pastor has challenged us to read a book each quarter.  Here is a selection of quotes form some of the books recently read:

"Many who profess faith seem to think that Christianity is something to add to their already busy lives, not something that controls, constrains, and shapes their vision and all of their goals"

"Where is our sense that we are meeting with the living God, that we are doing business with God, that we are interceding with genuine unction before the throne of grace?"


"To come to Jesus Christ for salvation is not to raise a hand or sign a card, although such things may sometimes be done at the time of repentance. To come to Him is to come to the end of one's self and one's sin, and to become so desirous for Christ and His righteousness that one is willing to make any sacrifice to follow Him."

"Too many believers think being a witness consists of telling people that they can have a better, easier life by embracing Jesus. But that was not the message Jesus taught His disciples, nor was it the message they took to the world"

"Sadly, the church today has watered down the gospel message, often removing any emphasis on sin and the need to repent from it. But the true gospel—the one Jesus and the apostles preached, and the one that we should preach—requires both genuine faith and heartfelt repentance, a sincere willingness to turn from sin and follow Christ."

Men of the Word by Nathan Busenitz

"Coram Deo is a short Latin phrase packing a potent punch: 'before the face of God.'"

"The cross transforms my view of people. Although made in the image of God, because of sin they are guilty, corrupt, and liable to punishment before a holy God. However, the gospel offers men and women hope, because on the cross Christ paid for the sins of all who would ever be forgiven. The cross gives my life purpose. Through the cross I've been purchased by God and restored to his original purposes for me. I now can know him and glorify him in this world, reflecting his character and laboring to see his reign expressed throughout creation"

Worldliness by C. J. Mahaney