Something to think about

Did you know that approximately 155,000 people die daily. Do you know for sure that when you die, you would go to heaven? Do you think that you are generally a pretty good person and "good enough". Take the good person test at to find out.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Every man did what was right in his own eyes

Ever heard somebody say "These are stupid rules" or "Why can't I just do as I want".  Now if you are like me, I am sure that when you were child you also hated rules as much as I did.  Imagine the roads in your city or town without any rules or regulations everybody going wherever they please without stop signs or traffic lights and just pushing their way ahead.  What chaos that would cause.  All too often I wonder if there are any laws at all (sure it exists, but a law that is not enforced ceases to be a law) so every man does what he wants to do and the result is total chaos. Western society is a good example of this today. When no one tries to enforce right and wrong chaos will always result. When a society rejects authority eventually it will deteriorate into chaos.

Where there is no strong godly leadership, families will predictably be torn apart by sin resulting in the suffering of family, church and society.  Whenever God's people have been without godly leadership, the result has been disastrous. For example, in the period of the judges, every man did what was right in his own eyes because there was no king in Israel. (Judges 17:6). The result was the disastrous record of sin and rebellion which we have recorded in the biblical book of Judges.  Sound familiar?  Well, It is no different in the church either. When brethren reject authority not only chaos but division will follow. 1 Corinthians 11:19 says as much: "there must be division among you that those who are approved may be made manifest." Some will stand for the truth when others leave it, so there will be division and every evil work.

The sad part about all of this is that people will always try to justify it but Proverbs 14:12 tells us that "There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death."  What is our attitude toward authority? If God and His Word are not paramount in our lives, we are at least sowing the seeds of chaos for our children, if not for ourselves.

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