We have all seen this 180 logo on Facebook, Twitter and just about everywhere else. So what is it?
http://180movie.com/ is a project that has the potential of changing a nation's views on abortion and premiers on September 26, 2011. Please help us get the trailer out to the general public by posting the link above and the movie trailer on your Facebook & Twitter accounts!
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Here are some of the reviews:
Wally Austin
"" This movie is awesome. I had tears before it was over. I have visited Auschwitz in Poland and seen what Hitler did. It is time for America to see the truth about our own Holocaust. It is time to take action. There are several spots in the movie that choke me up. One was where the old man shares about seeing his neighbor in the pit and the 5 year old. Another is watching God change the hearts of the ones who made a 180 and are now pro life. God is amazing. Thanks for making this film
Alan Hankins
"" People can and will change their view on abortion IF they are given the truth and IF we make it personal to them!
Kristen Rasor
"" I had the privilege of watching the full movie. Once again, Ray uses such a common sense approach to show people the error of their thinking. And, of course, the right way of thinking leads straight back to God. So, Pro-Choicer, the challenge for you is to watch this movie and not have your mind changed forever on your views of abortion, and God.
Amelia Arnold
"" I had the privilege of previewing the whole movie and it was outstanding! Well done! I was so encouraged by the way truth was presented and am praying that this will greatly impact the culture today - not just in the issue of abortion but for the saving of lost souls!
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